You need to set up the international rates for your provider and you are looking for information on how to update these settings.
In order to manage the provider settings, one needs to use the Plan/Config user for the provider.
- Log in to the Plan UI with the Plan User.
- Select the Settings icons from the left, and go to the International section.
- Select the relevant tab depending on the service to configure (Voice or Text).
- Use the Export option in order to download a CSV with the list of countries and the relevant columns for the rates.
- Update the CSV with the required values for the rates.
Rate per minute.
Rate per message.
Note: Using a 0 or leaving the value empty would indicate the rate is 0.00. If the country doesn't apply, one can remove the row from the CSV
- Use the Import option in order to upload the CSV with the rates.
- If successfully imported, the list of rates will be populated in the UI.
- Save the Settings using the button on the top right.